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The heavily marked dark green inners have a pattern which resembles a green face. Dwarf but with relatively large flowers and vigorous. Found and named by Alan Street.
Two long diffuse marks at the base of the inner. Short but vigorous. Sea-green leaves. Found in Sally Pasmore's garden.
Translates as green mist and refers to the soft green diffused across the base of the inner. A very vigorous, upright nivalis elwesii hybrid. To me from Günter Waldorf.
A superbly vigorous hybrid of nivalis and elwesii with enormous flowers. Upright grey-green leaves. Mid to late season. Height to 20-25cm. Admired by Matt Bishop in my garden, he thought it was one of the best new ones he’d seen. Named by me for Günter Waldorf and presented to him just before he died from a brain tumour.
It is a double gracilis hybrid with very prettily marked flowers. It is short growing with grey-green leaves. A good garden plant but needs frequent division to flower well. Named for the husband of Primrose Warburg, Mr E.F.Warburg who was known to all his students as Heff, thence Heffalump.
Small, late, neat, single with a very clearly Y-shaped mark on inner. Grey leaves. Named by me for the eminent galanthophile John Grimshaw.
Relatively undistinguished flowers with an intermediate mark. Often two flowers per bulb. Short-growing with narrow leaves. Usefully it comes into flower late in the season. A very vigorous plicate hybrid snowdrop which forms large clumps. Found by Dr Alan Leslie.
Small, neat flowers with the inner marks almost like those of G. plicatus subsp. byzantinus. A short and very late hybrid which flowers at the same time as ‘Washfield Warham’. Slow to increase but a very useful addition to a collection. From a garden in Lincolnshire which has produced some good forms including ‘Nothing Special’ and ‘Robyn Janey’
Really dark green markings in a very neat, fully double flower. It is a relatively short plant. It is very slow growing. It was found by Mrs Wrightson in her garden in Kent in 1975.
An ikariae cross selected by Simon Savage. A large dark heart-shaped apical mark and suffused green below. Pale green leaves with recurved tips.
Wonderfully scented and one of the best forms I have selected. Vigorous. Short plants produce masses of large flowers of a very clean white, with a superb scent. A wonderfully vigorous snowdrop. Mid-season. Tried and tested. From a garden in Lincolnshire.
The large flowers can be 3 x 3, 4 x 4 and 5 x 5. A complex hybrid with very blue-grey leaves. Slow to increase. 25cm. Mid to late season. Found by and named by Margaret Owen from whom it came. Still very rarely found in collections.
This snowdrop is very distinct in that it has a long pedicel and very long outer petals. The marking on the inner has two long indistinct green marks at the base as well as the apical mark. It is relatively slow growing but as it always has two flowers per bulb it quickly makes a good show. It is named for the niece of the famous galanthophile Joe Sharman.
Massive, well-shaped flowers on stout stems. A good, new, vigorous cultivar.
This is named for St Anne’s church in Sutton Bonington near Nottingham but it was actually found in north Norfolk!