Eranthis, heralds of the end of winter!
The winter aconite is one of the nicest and most prominent harbingers of spring. This tuberous plant with its wonderful, intense yellow flowers, often flowers while the soil is still frozen solid and is the ideal partner for Galanthus, Helleborus, Cyclamen coum and early crocuses in the wintergarden. The plants in this genus are part of the family of the Ranunculaceae.
Tall, late, narrow petalled. Height 15cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.
Unique form with split petals. Tall, partly true from seed. late. Height 15cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.
Semi-double form with green and yellow petals. Short and true from seed. Height 10cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.
Fully double form with green and yellow petals. True from seed. Height 15cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.
Short double and very green form with green True from seed. Height 10cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.
Good orange flowers. True from seed. Height 10cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.
Tall large flowered selection. Height 15cm. Dry shade under trees. Flowers in Jan/Feb.