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Galanthus nivalis 'Llo 'n' Green'

The earliest green-tipped selection. Green tipping is variable, season to season.

Galanthus nivalis 'Monti Picentini'
Galanthus nivalis 'Monti Picentini'

The only yellow nivalis selection from Italy. Found by Peter Erskine.

Galanthus nivalis 'Moreton Mill'
Galanthus nivalis 'Munchkin'

A miniscule plant less than 5cm tall. Reflexed leaves. Normal flowers. Vigorous.

Galanthus nivalis 'Nero'

The most amazing pterugiform nivalis with a very dark green big mark. Rare and slow. Diminutive.

Galanthus nivalis 'Norfolk Blonde'

Pale leaves and pale yellow flowers with a long ovary.

Galanthus nivalis 'Ray Cobb'
Galanthus nivalis 'Sharman's Late'
Galanthus nivalis 'Shrek'

A long-petalled, elegant virescent, washed pale green. Very long petals.

Galanthus nivalis 'Sibbertoft White'
Galanthus nivalis 'Tutu'
Galanthus nivalis 'Wonston Double'
Galanthus nivalis 'Wonston Double'
Galanthus nivalis 'Woozle'

A bizarre double spiky with green tips. The flowers are dense and globular unlike the other spikys. It’s unique character is the extra petals growing from the ovary. Very vigorous.

Galanthus plicatus 'Golden Tears'

My new yellow pterie with the character and substance of ‘Bumblebee’ but in green.

Galanthus plicatus subsp byzantinus 'Bryan Hewitt'

Another superb poculiform plicate from Myddelton House. Earlier, shorter and with greener leaves than 'E A Bowles but with very elegant flowers. Very vigorous. Earlier, shorter, greener leaves and very elegant flowers.Named by me to celebrate and immortalise Bryan.

Galanthus plicatus subsp byzantinus 'Celadon'

"This snowdrop is short growing with broad very reflexed leaves of a distinctive soft greyish-green colour. The flower has very neat markings and is quite a rounded shape. Vigorous.
This snowdrop was named by Primrose Warburg because the leaf colour reminded her of celadon porcelain.

Galanthus plicatus subsp byzantinus 'Diggory'

An exceptionally unusual snowdrop with unique outer petals which look normal in bud but become hugely inflated resembling the classic paper lampshade.  Almost the whole of the inner petal is green and the leaves are relatively broad.  It is quite a robust-looking plant, however it does not increase quickly. This plant gained an RHS preliminary commendation in 1998. It was found in an old garden in Norfolk and was named for the son of a leading galanthophile who unfortunately died prematurely.

Galanthus plicatus subsp byzantinus 'E A Bowles'

Six, perfect, pure white petals make this one of the most beautiful and desirable of snowdrops. Broad plicate leaves and very vigorous. The first fully poculiform plicate snowdrop to be made available. Found at Myddelton House, Enfield, the home of one of the leading plantsmen of the twentieth century, E. A. Bowles.

Galanthus plicatus subsp byzantinus 'Joe Sharman'

The first fully virescent form of subspecies byzantinus. Relatively short, mid season and very vigorous. A must-have plant.

Galanthus plicatus subsp byzantinus 'Percy Picton'

A somewhat muddled byzantinus mark which may indicate a hybrid origin. Exceptionally vigorous variety which makes a good garden plant,.

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