
Arums as a group are very useful in dry shade under trees growing in situations that would defeat many other plants and providing valuable greenery through the winter months. The leaves emerge in October/November and vary from plain green, through varying degrees of silvering to brightly silver or golden marked veins. Some hybrid varieties with maculatum parentage can also have purple streaks and spots in the leaf. Leaves on small or young plants are not typical and are much greener.


31 Items
Arum 'Blackspot'
Arum 'Blackspot'

Veined and purple spotted

Arum 'Chamaeleon'

Huge leaves, showing the influence of italicum subsp neglectum and maculatum, which are almost entirely silver within the peripheral vein. Large and vigorous. Leaves emerge in October/ November. Flowers large and pale green. Found in the garden of Henry Ross, Strongsville, Ohio. USA.

Arum 'Margaret Owen'

Unique, silver-centred leaves, dark purple flowers. From Margaret Owen

Arum 'Splish Splash'

Heavily cream-spotted leaves appear in October November. Spots roughly circular. Seedlings are remarkably like the parent. Must be a form of, or a hybrid of A. concinnatum. Selected by Richard Nutt from the garden of Lambrook Manor after the death of Margery Fish.

Arum 'Streaked Spectre'

Huge leaves showing the influence of italicum subsp neglectum and maculatum, with variable patches of silvering within the peripheral vein and random purple streaks and spots. Found in the garden of Henry Ross, Strongsville, Ohio. USA. Large and vigorous. Leaves emerge in October/ November. Flowers large and pale green with dramatic purple spotting.

Arum concinnatum 'Agia-Vavara'

Narrow, heavily silver spotted, pointed. From Melvyn Jope.

Arum hygrophilum

Tall, narrow, yellowish leaf, purple edged flos

Arum Italicum 'Green Gift'
Arum italicum 'Mark's Star'

Very narrow, very strongly silver-veined leaves with long narrow basal lobes. Vigorous. Named by Mark Brown.

Arum italicum 'Monksilver'

Very silver, very vigorous. Superb plant.

Arum italicum subsp. albispathum
Arum italicum subsp. albispathum

Plain green leaf, pale cream spathe

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Angelique'

Sharply defined creamy veins

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Ann Macnab'

Soft golden leaves with silver veins. A selection from a local garden where ‘Marmoratum’ had gone native. Named for the owner.

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Bill Baker'

Strongly-veined, long basal lobes

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Caroline Hayes

The usual silver veining but with a golden splashy and very variable variegation as well. A unique combination. Can revert so periodically remove the green shoots. Leaves emerge in October November. Named for Olive Mason’s daughter.

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Filigree'

Very large and broad leaves with the creamy variegation on the veins being narrow but very well defined. Leaves emerge in October/ November. A seedling here.

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Godzilla'

Large, silver-veined and spotted

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Gold Rush'

Distiinctly yellow veining, rare

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Grunspan'

Unique, greeny-silver leaves

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Kleine Italiener'

Small form

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