
Arums as a group are very useful in dry shade under trees growing in situations that would defeat many other plants and providing valuable greenery through the winter months. The leaves emerge in October/November and vary from plain green, through varying degrees of silvering to brightly silver or golden marked veins. Some hybrid varieties with maculatum parentage can also have purple streaks and spots in the leaf. Leaves on small or young plants are not typical and are much greener.


31 Items
Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Nancy Lindsay'

Large leaves, starts green, goes pale yellow

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Sandy Macnab'

In general, the more silver/cream there is in the leaf the more rolled and puckered it gets. This selection is extremely strongly cream-veined with almost the whole surface inside the peripheral vein being coloured. However, the leaf is flat. Leaves emerge in October/ November. Relatively small leaves but vigorous habit. From a local garden where ‘Marmoratum’ had gone native. Named for the owner.

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'Taff's Giant'

Absolutely massive leaves with a very triangular shape. The veining is not as strong as in some other cultivars. Not as fast to increase as some others. Leaves emerge in October/ November. From the plantsman Stephen Taffler.

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'White Winter'

A superb form with strongly silver-veined leaves. Relatively narrow leaves and vigorous. Leaves emerge in October/ November. From the plantsman Stephen Taffler.

Arum italicum subsp. italicum 'XXL'

Very, very vigorous, moderately veined

Arum italicum subsp. neglectum

Flecks of pewter, large plant

Arum maculatum 'Bakovci'

Variably yellow, cream and white variegated

Arum maculatum 'Fletcher'

Strongly purple-spotted.

Arum maculatum 'Lady of Devon'

Very slow, narrow stable cream margin

Arum Maculatum Forma Flavescens (Yellow Berry)
Arum Pictum, Green
Arum Pictum, Green

The completely hardy and very vigorous form long in cultivation. Could be of French origin as I’ve seen nothing like this in Mallorca.
